Terrapin Side Project Series #14: TomFoolery

Terrapin Beer Co., Athens, Georgia
Style: Black Saison
Serving Style: 22 oz. Bottle

Aroma: Saison yeast exhibiting subtle bananas. Loads of tropical fruit and pineapple. Fresh sourdough bread. Herbs; thyme and oregano.

Appearance: Another one drunk from a hotel Styrofoam cup. I assume it is black, but I can’t see it through the voluminous tan foam.

Flavor: Pineapple and herbs; the same thyme and oregano from the aroma. Light green banana flavors. Fruitiness is intense. Leans to the sweet side of the saison spectrum. Bitterness is low and barely balances. Very gentle roastiness gives it a bit of a boost. Subtle coffee roast flavors. Lightly spicy hops with hints of black pepper in the finish. Finish gives a last bite of bitter at the back of the tongue and lingers on fruit, herbs, and roasted coffee.

Mouthfeel: Medium-light body. Medium carbonation.

Overall Impression: Generally I liked this, though I liked it better at the start of the bottle than at the end. It wore a little thin over time. I wish it were a little drier and a little bitterer. The sweetness at times came off like fruit cocktail syrup. I appreciate the delicateness of the roast; not overwhelming, still lets the saison character come through.