Schorschbräu Bests Penguin: A New World’s Strongest Beer!

And the hits just keep on comin’!

Some time ago I reported that Germany’s Shorschbräu was about to release Shorschbock 40%, knocking Brewdog’s Tactical Nuclear Penguin off the throne as worlds strongest beer. Well that day has apparently arrived. A new highest alcohol beer has been born. A post on the Schorschbräu website dated December 2009  translates:

A historic month with a further, barely imaginable beer record!
We at Schorschbräu don’t accept upward boundaries. Therefore we
have now set a new beer record with an astonishing 40% ABV.

This announcement is reinforced by the boast at the top of the page, “Our current record: 40%. And no end in sight.”

As proof that they have achieved new heights of booziness, Schorschbräu has provided a link to laboratory results from BLB GmbH Brau-Labor und Beratung dated November 9, 2009 showing an alcohol by volume percentage of 39.44.

Congratulations to Schorschbräu! Although I am starting to find this quest for the world’s strongest beer only slightly less silly than the AB-InBev/Miller competition for the lowest calorie beer.