55 vs 64

While driving through Wisconsin on my way to Sheboygan today I saw two billboards on opposite sides of the highway. I had seen the same combination earlier with one following the other. One proclaimed, “64 Calories. I doesn’t get any lighter than that.” The other for Bud 55 screamed, “The lightest beer in the world!” Clearly the gauntlet has been thrown. And despite Miller’s seeming denial, Bud is currently winning the challenge to create the worlds lightest beer.

All I could think looking at this was, “what a stupid argument to be having.” Talk about a race t the bottom. But then I guess they do know where there market is, and it is a big one. But really, if you want to cut calories, drink good beer and drink less of it.

One thought on “55 vs 64

  1. Too true, not too sure way folks bother with the low calorie nonsense, the flavor is always bad. Drink less (of the good stuff) is the only way to cut calories without compromising the taste.

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