Stone Vertical Epic 8-8-08

Stone Vertical Epic 8-8-08Stone Brewing Company, Escondido, California
Style: Belgian Strong Golden well hopped with American hops]
Serving Style: Bottle

Appearance: Light golden and clear with a big mousse-like white head.
Aroma: Light fruit, peaches. Spicy clove. Alcohol.
Flavor: Light fruit. Peaches, but like the syrup from a can of peaches. Pepper and clove spice. Hop bitterness is pronounced. Flavor seems more continental spicy than American citrus. Dry finish that lingers on a tart orange. Alcohol is a little hot.
Mouthfeel: Medium body. Medium-high carbonation. Very dry finish. Hot alcohol.
Overall Impression: A nice version of a hoppy Belgian Tripel. Would benefit from a little aging to let the hot alcohol mellow a little.

One thought on “Stone Vertical Epic 8-8-08

  1. I have this one in the beer cellar, plan on aging for a couple years. I also have a homebrew recipe for it and may give it a shot, would be interesting to compare the two side-by-side.

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