Black Beers: Porters, Stouts, & Other Specialty Ales

Next Perfect Pint Beer Club Event

When: Friday, February 13, 2009
Cost: $20
You must be a member of the club to attend. Go to the Twin Cities Perfect Pint Beer Club to sign up and RSVP.

Rich and roasty, intriguingly opaque, and topped with an inviting creamy tan head, the black beers are like winter weather comfort food. We’ll sample a wide range of black beers ranging from the light roast and caramel of the Brown Porters to the thick and intensely flavorful Russian Imperial Stout. There may even be a non-stout/porter specialty beer thrown in for fun.

If you think you don’t like black beers, you haven’t tried them all. Come explore the full, rich, wonderful world of black beers with us.